Saturday 27th April – 1pm-3pm at Hedon Methodist Church
An opportunity for some of our fantastic Hedon children and youth organisations to come together to raise much-needed funds. Everyone is welcome to come along, support and find out about children and youth opportunities on our doorstep.
The event hopes to host Hedon Brownies and Guides, Hedon Methodist Church Sunday Club, Hedon Cubs, Hedon Methodist Church Youth Club, Hedon Twirlers, Hedon Methodist Messy Church, Hedon Rangers, Little Dribblers, Friends of Inmans Primary and Friends of Hedon Primary.
Please come along and enjoy the stalls such as games, tombolas, raffles, crafts and refreshments! This should be a fun-packed afternoon and 100% of the money raised will be rolled back into helping these local groups to continue the great work that they do.